

Associate Creative Director
Johannes Leonardo
Currently alive in New York


Berlei ︎︎︎ Womankind

Instead of revealing women's bodies, this bra ad revealed the truth. 

Berlei ︎︎︎ In Support Of You

A bra can’t change the world, but a good one can support you through it.


The Interview Before the Interview ︎︎︎

It’s a funny irony that many of the creative talents who are great at selling brands can be terrible at selling themselves. 


IKEA ︎︎︎ Get Used to Better

Don’t adjust your behaviour around furniture that isn’t functional. Get used to better. 


IKEA ︎︎︎ The Best Day is the Everyday

The everyday is the most special day of all. And the best thing is, you don't have to wait for one to come along.
